
Can't receive GCM notifications in some environments

This is a strange issue about Google push notification.

I am trying to send notifications to my APP. In office, my Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 (4.2.2) and Nexus 7(5.1.1) can receive the notifications with wifi connection, but the Infocus M210 (4.4.2) fail to get the notification.

To narrow the problem, I try Push Notification Tester to do the test on M210 and Mega 5.8. The M210 also misses the notifications.

I take these 2 phones home. The M210 receives all the missing notifications when it connect to the wifi in my home. I try Push Notification Tester again and both phones works fine.

All phones work fine but the M210 in my office's wifi. The M210 can work fine in home's wifi only. I can't figure out why M210 can't get the notifications in my office. Is the wifi the root cause? Surfing on the Internet, I still can't find the reason and solution yet.